The next group meeting will be on Tuesday 18th February 2025, 6.15PM at Lawrence Batley Theatre (upstairs meeting room) 6.15 to 7.45pm.

Huddersfield Prostate Cancer Support Group

If you are the partner of someone diagnosed with prostate cancer you are welcome to come to our monthly meetings which offer support and information.

The local group normally meets on the first Tuesday of each month 6.30-8.00pm at Platform 1, 7 St Georges Square, HD1 1LA but please phone our contact number 07708 283260 in advance to confirm.

Dates for the National Prostate Cancer Partners Support Group (NPCPSG) for 2025 are as follows:

Tuesday 28th January

Monday 17th March

Tuesday 29th April

Monday 16th June

Tuesday 22nd July

Monday 15th September

Tuesday 28th October

Monday 15th December

Our meetings are held on zoom and start at 18.30

All meetings are for partners of someone with prostate cancer only.

For any further information or zoom link please contact:

Caroline at

Janet at